Story by Elisabeth Kramer
Photos by Blake Hamilton
For an open mic night, one might suspect
Bongo drums and shaded glasses,
Snaps and smoke, and
A bunch of hipster jackasses.
But Tuesday night broke the mold
When UO’s lit mag
Held its second sellout show.
With a publication offered only online
Such events provide the time and the space,
Says Jane Elliott, co-editor-in-chief,
For all who contribute to meet “face-to-face.”
Unbound ’s main mission,
Adds Luke Nelson, co-E.I.C.,
Is to foster creativity while
Keeping campus sound, culturally.
Indeed they succeeded for at Buzz Café
Authors read from novel dreams,
Some from ballads, others sonnets,
And even a few newer rhyme schemes.
Musicians also played their vocal role.
Stealing the show: a newly born band,
A standout flutist, and lone ukulele-r
Who sang of a lobster known as Luanne.
Too soon after, the evening drew closed
With some unexpected nipples and a guttural moan,
For a sly staff member ended the show
By reading a romance offered on loan.
If Unbound intrigues you and you need to know more,
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Unbound Magazine’s Open Mic Night: In Verse
February 21, 2010
