Dealing in Desperation
Looking at pawn shops from the other side of the counter.
A Promise for a New Century
The Girl Scouts turn 100.
Rooted in Tradition
A family honors its history, from the Oregon Trail to modern day.
Watch Out, He Bites
The struggle for exotic animal ownership gets fierce.
Editor’s Note
Editor-in-chief Elisabeth Kramer introduces the latest issue.
Dialogue: Living Without Restriction
Diane Holste and her story of living with a prosthetic arm.
Passport: Northern Exposure
Exploring the countries of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway.
Forum: Time Is Out of Joint
According to a Russian academic, everything we think we know about the past is wrong. What if he’s right?
Journeys Abroad: Destination Unknown
A hitchhiker travels through North and South America.
Colors & Shapes: The Fabric of Life
Quilting remains a vibrant tradition in the modern world.
Spices & Spirits: Raw
Oregon’s unpasteurized dairies expand their herds despite government concern.
People in Motion: Deck the Streets
Vagabond Skateboards customizes the skating experience.
Soundwaves: Talk Therapy
A family finds peace through poetry.
Moving Pictures: Psychadelia Rebooted
Modern artists take audiences to the brink of technological overload.
The Last: A Wanderer’s Tale
Traveling abroad helps one man move forward after his mother’s death.
Ethos Winter 2012
January 9, 2012