A recent oil discovery is shaping how the world views Africa—but for whose benefit?
Photo illustration Whitney Highfield & Courtney Hendricks
Black Gold on the Gold Coast
After a 2007 oil discovery in West Africa, the U.S. and China stake their claim on Ghana’s potential wealth.
Following the Paycheck
Between unconventional hours and high-risk environments, three students with unusual summer jobs earn a quick and hefty buck.
Embracing the Elements: Earth
People extract elements from the Earth for a variety of modern purposes. But what about the global consequences?
Busting Out: The Right to Bear It All
Ethos explores the hyper-sexualization of breasts, the consequences it entails, and what’s being done to stop it.
Editor’s Note – Fall 2010
Opening thoughts from our latest EIC.
Dialogue – Running with the Bulls
Famed rodeo clown Donnie Landis sheds light on growing up in the rodeo industry.
Passport – Carrying A Heavy Load
Ethos looks into Burundi’s history of genocide and struggle for development.
Forum – Erasing History
One nation under…Texas? New textbook standards give a lesson in subjective history.
Journeys Abroad – Finding Kuna Yala
A student explores the struggle of the Kuna people to preserve their culture while embracing modernity.
Colors & Shapes – Shoot it, Skin it, Stuff it?
Dead animal decor—is it beauty or brutality? Local taxidermists give us their insights.
Spices & Spirits – From Trash to Table
Organizations across the state are dishing out a reason to like them (old) apples.
Soundwaves – The Venue Speaks Volumes
Dylan did it. So did Fugazi. See why some local musicians still opt for modest musical venues.
Moving Pictures – Ready, Set, HUMP!
A locally produced amateur porn festival gives new meaning to “do it yourself.”
The Last – The Cleaner Sister
While one sister learned to cope with obsessive-compulsive disorder, the other found a path to acceptance.