Story by Emily Weisz
Photo by Gabe Carlin
With the presidential election quickly approaching, the push to get students information is more important then ever. In the past few months, organizations on campus have been in full force to make sure that students are getting what they need to make an educated decision at the polls.
In the past two months the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and the Oregon Student Association have been hard at work getting students informed to make sure they are registered for the upcoming election.
“While registering students we worked on tabling, class raps, and clip boarding,” Courtney Allen, ASUO Student Affair Commissioner says.
In addition the ASUO has reached out to UO housing and to Greek Life to target new students and make sure that everyone in the houses are registered to vote. Over 800 freshmen alone registered on move in day. Since most of the students on campus are first time voters, ASUO made an effort to make registering accessible and easy so students know what to do and how to register.
It is estimated that over 9,000 students on campus registered to vote, showing a testament to the massive amount of student involvement at the University.
Even though registration is over, there are still important things that are being done around campus to get students informed about whom they are voting for. While there has been a lot of information about the presidential candidates some of the other candidates for various positions are not as well known. OSA has made booklets with detailed information about all of the candidates in a wide range of positions to make sure that each voter is informed. Along with OSA, the ASUO have put up posters around campus giving a general background on each of the candidates that will be on the ballots.
“I really want emphasize to students that this election is going to effect us all. I highly encourage students to vote who they feel will best represent them and not let the media reflect their decision to vote,” Cody Koenig, ASUO Federal Affairs Commissioner says.
The ASUO is partnering with the Daily Emerald to throw a watch party on election night. A DJ from KVAL and free food will be there to add fun during the announcement of the next president.
If students want any more information on the election look around campus for students tabling or handing out pamphlets. There is also more information in both the ASUO and OSA offices. With only a few days left to spare, what are you waiting for? Go out and vote!
Igniting the Vote
November 5, 2012